The Wine Lover’s Guide to Biodynamic Wines and Wineries

Posted by on Sep 17, 2012 in Organic Wine, Wine Store Blog | 0 comments

The Wine Lover’s Guide to Biodynamic Wines and Wineries

If you're like me, you appreciate the time and effort that goes into making organic foods. It's not easy, I'll tell you that much.

But lately, biodynamic wine has been on my radar.

In essence, biodynamic wine is a farming technique that goes above and beyond organic production. The end-goal is the same: make high-quality grapes. But, biodynamic wineries do this with just the unique natural resources of the vineyard.

No synthetic fertilizers, growth stimulants, genetic modification, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or any other "-icides". Biodynamic wine-making is about blending soil, insects, and other plant and animal life on the vineyard land to all work together.

I bet before someone invented all the "-icides", this was how the wine-making grand-masters did it.


The 3 Steps to Being a Biodynamic Winery

It's not an easy process. A biodynamic winery has to go through the world's only biodynamic certifier: the Demeter Association. It's not just wineries that they certify, but all kinds of farms.

Step One: Approve the Land

Organic approval is a must for a biodynamic winery. The land has to be approved by the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program. A vineyard has to be producing 100% organic wine.

Step Two: Prove the Standards

Next, the vineyard has to show that it has the chops. For a year, the vineyard has to be managed under Demeter biodynamic farming standards. During this year, tests are done to ensure adherence to the rules.

Oh, and wine processing and packaging also has a part to play. All steps have to be up to snuff.

Step Three: Make the Wine!

Can't really call it a winery if it doesn't make any wine. Now that the vineyard, the processing, and the packaging have been approved, it's time to produce. Any wine now made can proudly show off the biodynamic stamp of approval.


Is Biodynamic Wine Healthier?

Overall, it's a much better choice to have an organic or biodynamic glass of wine than a "regular" one. When you do, you're reducing the level of unnatural toxins you take into your body. All those "-icides" aren't making it into your glass.

But more than that, you're buying from a producer that believes in sustainability on a high level.

Biodynamic wineries work like an organism unto themselves. They live and breathe with the life around them, without forcing the grapes to perform in unnatural ways with genetic modification or chemicals.


A List of Biodynamic Wines – My Favourites

Here are my personal recommendations at the moment:

1. Araujo Estate's Biodynamic Cabernet Sauvignon

Full-bodied, silky texture with flavours of blackberry, cedar, and chocolate notes.

2. Resonance Vineyard's Biodynamic Sauvignon Blanc

Light and refreshing notes of orange blossoms and pomegranate.

3. Grgich Hills' Biodynamic Fume Blanc

One of my favourites as I love a full-bodied and crisp texture. The wine has some great tropical flavours of pineapple, kiwi, grapefruit, and slight mineral taste at the end.

4. Beckmen Vineyards’ Biodynamic Syrah

Another one of my favourites and a little because I am a big fan of the Syrah grape. This wine is elegant from first sip all the way through to the last drop. It has deep young violet colour with rich dark fruit, pepper, and leather.


My List of Biodynamic Wineries to Check Out

About Dave Keighron

Dave Keighron has written 63 posts in this blog.

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