Food and Wine Pairing for Burgundy Wine

Posted by on Oct 17, 2011 in Burgundy Wines, Wine Store Blog | 0 comments

Food and Wine Pairing for Burgundy Wine

Food and wine are great together when done well. To ensure you do not get an unsatisfying combination here is a list of possible food and wine that should be paired together during the two main seasons, wintertime and summertime.

The various food and wine pairings are as follows:

 Summertime: We need something lighter and more refreshing.

  1. Lighter wines such as a sparkling Aligote would pair well with picnic lunch of fresh bread, cold meats and pate.
  2. Richer wines such as Beaujolais Crus (Gamay) would pair well with sausages or burgers on the barbeque.

Wintertime: We need something that is more comforting.

  1. Lighter wines would pair well with Oysters
  2. Richer wines such as Chablis (Chardonnay) or Cote de Nuits (Pinot Noir) would pair well with Burgundy’s famous Epoisses cheese or roasted lamb.

About Dave Keighron

Dave Keighron has written 63 posts in this blog.

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