Wine Enthusiasts

Wine enthu­si­asts can be those peo­ple who enjoy an occa­sional drink, those who treat wine as a hobby, or those who are fas­ci­nated by the process in pro­duc­ing wine. The most com­mon wine enthu­si­asts, how­ever, are those who drink wine sim­ply as a recre­ational hobby. Also referred to as ‘Grape Nuts’, wine enthu­si­asts are con­nois­seurs of fine wines. With­out focus­ing on the alco­hol in a wine, enthu­si­asts take note of the body, aroma, fla­vor, acid­ity, inten­sity and other attrib­utes of a wine, while appre­ci­at­ing every drop. Some wine enthu­si­asts are drawn exclu­sively to red wines, while oth­ers are drawn exclu­sively to white wines; oth­ers, both.

It has been thought for years that men and woman have dif­fer­ent per­cep­tions of wine. Men are viewed as the dom­i­nant gen­der in the wine indus­try, and expect­edly dom­i­nate the wine indus­try in posi­tions such as wine mak­ers, sales­men, exec­u­tives, and col­lec­tors. In the past few years, how­ever, a larger group of senior roles and high-profile jobs have been shifted over to women.

To see if the num­ber of female con­sumers cor­re­sponded with the rise in females in the wine indus­try, a study was con­ducted. Just over 4,300 women were sur­veyed regard­ing wine. Over 50 per­cent of those sur­veyed believed that wine is a lifestyle. 86 per­cent of the women sur­veyed defined wine as a gen­der neu­tral drink.

The num­ber of wine enthu­si­asts is con­stantly grow­ing as more and more peo­ple become edu­cated about the com­plex­i­ties of wine. With the help of and the infor­ma­tion it offers, you are one step closer to being a truly informed wine enthu­si­ast. Have a look around, have a read, have a drink. Enjoy your stay with us.

About Dave Keighron

Dave Keighron has writ­ten 63 posts in this blog.

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