Wines and Sub Regions of Alsace

Posted by on Nov 8, 2011 in Alsace Wines, Wine Store Blog | 0 comments

Wines and Sub Regions of Alsace

Alsace is bro­ken down into two divi­sions the Haut-Rhin to the south and Bas Rhine to the north. Both areas pro­duce high qual­ity wine in the lower slopes, which face east towards Ger­many. The grape vari­eties for this region include: Ries­ling is from Noble Vari­etal. Ries­ling is a good steely, fine fruit with a high acid­ity. Ries­ling is also ideal for the pro­duc­tion of late har­vest wines. Gewurz­traminer is from a Noble Vari­etal. Gewurz is the Ger­man word for spice. The nose of this...

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Food Pairings for Wines of Alsace

Posted by on Nov 8, 2011 in Alsace Wines, Wine Store Blog | 0 comments

Food Pairings for Wines of Alsace

Food Pair­ings for Wines The wines from the Alsace region are great com­pan­ions in the din­ner table. These wines are gen­er­ally full enough to accom­pany white meats but not too aggres­sive to accom­pany a del­i­cate fish. Ries­ling for exam­ple is a great wine which can be paired well with fish, espe­cially fresh­wa­ter fish and salmon. These wines are espe­cially use­ful at restau­rants because this wine is able to be shared along­side var­i­ous dif­fer­ent entrees. Wines from this...

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History of Wines from Alsace

Posted by on Nov 8, 2011 in Alsace Wines, Wine Store Blog | 0 comments

History of Wines from Alsace

His­tory of Wines Alsace is the fifth-smallest of the 27 regions of France; it is located between Vos­ges moun­tain range and the bor­der of Ger­many. This region has been passed between France and Ger­many four times dur­ing 75 years. Alsace has a semi-continental cli­mate since it is quite cold and dry in the win­ters and hot dur­ing the sum­mers. There is lit­tle pre­cip­i­ta­tion due to the pro­tect­ing Vos­ges Moun­tains in the west. Col­mar, the sec­ond dri­est city in France is...

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