Sparkling Wines and Champagne: 3. Champange in France; Sparkling Wine Around The World
If you are just joining us, welcome to the three-part Sparkling Wine and Champagne blog series. This is the third blog in the series. If you missed the first blog on 1. The Origins Of Champagne, or the second blog on 2. How Champagne Is Made, then be sure to check them out. Now, onto the different types of sparkling wine found not only in France, but around the world. Vintage Champagne In the Champagne region the wines are separated into the non-vintage and Vintage...
Read MoreSparkling Wines and Champagne: 2. How to Make Champagne
If you’re just joining us, welcome to the three-part blog series, Sparkling Wine and Champagne; if you missed the first part, 1. The Origins of Champagne, be sure to check that out. With regards to the approaches used today for making sparkling wine, there are three methods: the traditional, transfer, and tank methods. In this blog we’ll take a quick look at each method and explore the differences between the three. Traditional: • The first step is to create a variety of...
Read MoreSparkling Wines and Champagne: 1. The Origins Of Champagne
Champagne, Sparkling Wine… …Bubbly. Champers. Fizz. Champanky. Carbonated wine has many different names, but inevitably shows up at any party indicating the same thing: celebration. It is the definitional drink to ring in some form of good news or cheer. Sparkling wine is highly carbonated and full of a fun, rich history. When you hear that loud ‘pop’ and a bulbous wine cork goes flying across the room on Year Years, chances are it came from a bottle of...
Read MoreIce Wines 2: How Ice Wine Is Made
Welcome to the second post in our three-part blog series on ice wine. Now that we know where ice wine comes from, we should figure out how, exactly, ice wine is made. It is certainly more complicated than simply forgetting grapes out in the wintertime; it requires careful preparation under specific conditions. Let’s take a look at them. First, the grapes must be picked from the vine when they are naturally frozen, and then taken to the press in a continuous process...
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