Grape Vari­ety: Gewürztraminer

Geog­ra­phy: Clas­sic white grape of the Alsace region of France. Also grown in Ger­many, North­ern Italy, East­ern Europe and New World.

Viti­cul­ture: Grows best in cooler cli­mates where good acid­ity plays a sig­nif­i­cant role. The ter­roir of the Alsace region reigns supreme. Other coun­tries seem to pro­duce less excit­ing, blander versions.

Varietal/Blend: Gewürz­traminer is used as a varietal.

Fla­vor & Char­ac­ter: Prob­a­bly the world’s most intensely aro­matic wine—bursting with fla­vors of spice, lychees and rose petals.

Vini­fi­ca­tion: Pro­duced after the style of Ger­man Rhine wines and sold under its grape name rather than region of origin.

Style: Although all Gewürz­tramin­ers have real inten­sity, styles vary from dry to richly sweet.

Body, Dry/Sweet: Dry pre­dom­i­nates. Some Gewürz­tramin­ers are so rich that they may appear sweet on the palate.

Notes: Also known as Traminer.