Grape Vari­ety: Riesling

Geog­ra­phy: France (mainly Alsace), Ger­many, East­ern Europe, North­ern Italy and New World.

Viti­cul­ture: France’s Alsace region—in the rain shadow of the Vos­ges Moun­tains, with long, sunny, dry summers—is ideal ter­roir for Ries­ling. The slopes of North West Ger­many, e.g., above the Mosel river, also pro­vide excel­lent terroir.

Varietal/Blend: Occa­sion­ally used in blend­ing, but the vast major­ity of Ries­ling is used as a varietal.

Fla­vor & Char­ac­ter: Can pro­duce pow­er­ful wines of superb qual­ity and ele­gance. Fla­vor hints include green apple, lime, apri­cot and honey.

Vini­fi­ca­tion: Ger­man Ries­ling is much higher in alco­hol as it is fer­mented until vir­tu­ally dry. Some­times, regret­tably, a sweet unfer­mented must is added just before fil­tra­tion and bottling.

Style: Styles range from light and crisp to head­ily rich and sweet.

Body, Dry/Sweet: Ranges from del­i­cate, dry, light bod­ied wines to ”noble rot” infected dessert wines. Ages beautifully.

Notes: Ries­ling accounts for approx­i­mately 20% of Germany’s wine out­put and pro­duces some of the country’s finest wines. Not to be con­fused with the infe­rior Laski Rizling.